Takedown Policy

This website/mobile application (Platform) operated by Gopinath Infotech Private Limited ("Gopinath"), and all rights related to the Platform vest in Gopinath. These Guidelines deal with the reporting, investigation and resolution of any complaint or grievance against any advertisement, article, news, user generated content or any other content displayed or broadcasted on the mobile application titled Tomorrow Hunt or website, tomorrowhunt.in ("Tomorrow Hunt" or "Platform"). These Guidelines also provide instructions regarding the filing of the complaint form available here. These Guidelines are provided to help the person filing the complaint ("you") understand how to file a complaint against any content or advertisement displayed on the Platform, how your complaint will be dealt with by Gopinath and the legal requirements related to the content and advertisement displayed on the Platform. For the purpose of these Guidelines, any reference to Gopinath includes its subsidiaries, parent entities and sister concerns.

If you are unable to fill the form, you may send an email with all the necessary information to info.tomorrowhunt@gmail.com, with the subject "Takedown Request". You may also send complaints/notices by post with all the necessary information to the following address:

Any and all complaints launched by you, either via complaint form, email or post, are investigated and dealt with in accordance with these Guidelines. Any legal notice or any other legal action initiated against Gopinath or against any content displayed/broadcast on the Platform is not subject to any terms of these Guidelines.

For the purpose of these Guidelines, 'content' or 'article' shall mean any and all articles, news, videos, images, user generated content, sponsored content or any other content displayed, broadcast or communicated to public on the Platform or any part thereof.

For the purpose of these Guidelines, 'advertisement' shall mean any endorsement, advertisement or promotional material displayed or broadcast on the Platform or any part thereof.

Gopinath reserves the right to amend these Guidelines at any time at its own discretion and hence, you are requested to read these Guidelines very carefully each time before filing/sending any complaint against any content or advertisement to Gopinath.

Who can file a complaint?

Any person/entity who is aggrieved by the content or advertisement published on the Platform may file a complaint against such content or advertisement. The legal heir, agent or attorney of the aggrieved person/entity may also file a complaint against such content or article. If the complaint does not fall under the ambit of a crime, then an unrelated person/entity, who has no interest in or is not aggrieved by the content or the advertisement cannot file a valid complaint against the content or the advertisement.

If you are an agent or attorney of the aggrieved party, then you are required to submit documentary proof, establishing your right to file a complaint on behalf of the aggrieved party.

What information needs to be provided in the complaint?

If you are filing a complaint against content, you are required to provide the following information:

Irrespective of whether you file a complaint via complaint form or via email, you must ensure that all the information, as stated above, is contained in the complaint. If any of the required information is missing from the complaint, the complaint will be treated as incomplete and Gopinath may not consider or take any action based on the complaint.

What does 'nature of the complaint' mean and why it is relevant?

Information regarding the ‘Nature of the complaint’ helps Gopinath categorize the complaint based on the legal provisions governing the subject matter of the complaint. Based on your grievance against any content or advertisement published on the Platform, Gopinath has provided various options which might specify nature of the complaint. Following is the brief description of each of the category provided in the form:

Copyright infringement: Any content/advertisement violates copyright, performer’s rights or publicity rights of the aggrieved party. This includes display of content created/owned by the aggrieved party without its permission.

Trademark infringement: Any content/advertisement violates aggrieved party’s trademark rights or illegally uses/displays any word, logo or any other representation which is protected under trademark laws.

Invasion of Privacy: Any content/advertisement contains any information, image, text or any other content which is private or otherwise violates privacy rights of any third party.

Defamation: Any content/advertisement contains any information which is false and 1) harms the reputation or public image of the aggrieved party or 2) otherwise has an adverse effect on how the aggrieved party is perceived by people in general.

False/misleading: Any content/advertisement is false or incomplete and misleads people into believing something incorrect, or wrongfully changes the perspective of people about an entity, event or thing.

Obscene/scandalous content: Any content/advertisement contains any image, text, video, audio or any other representation is repulsive, offensive to modesty, indecent, lewd or immoral and is likely to deprave or corrupt the mind of the viewer.

Content hurts religious sentiment or incites violence: Any article/advertisement contains any image, text or any other content hurts religious beliefs or sentiments of aggrieved party or directly incites or induces violent behaviour among people. Content/advertisement containing hate speech, content inciting rebellion against the government or any religion or religious organisation can also be reported under this category.

Apart from all these categories, there is an open category, by the title “Otherwise illegal”, provided in the complaint form. If the issue raised in the complaint does not fit under any of the abovementioned categories then you may select this as the nature of the complaint and can separately specify the issue raised in brief.

You can select only one of the categories. If the grievance falls under more than one of the abovementioned categories then you may raise a separate complaint for each category of the grievance and provide specific description of the facts and grievance, along with all the necessary documents required for proving the grievance. If you raise more than one complaint against a single content/advertisement, you are required to mention the complaint ID of all your previous complaints in all subsequent complaints regarding the same content, in order to enable effective handling of the grievance.

How to find the publisher of the Article?

Publisher of the article is provided on the platform along with the article itself. If you are viewing the article on Tomorrow Hunt mobile app, then you may find the publisher of the article at the start of the article. If you are viewing the article on tomorrowhunt.in then you may find the publisher of the article at the top-right corner of the article page.

How to find the link to the Article?

If you are viewing the article on Tomorrow Hunt mobile application, then click on “Share” option and copy the link provided when you share the article. If you are viewing the article on tomorrowhunt.in then the complete link of the webpage containing the article is the link to the article.

What documentary evidence is required along with the complaint?

Depending on the nature of the complaint and grievance, documentary proof may vary. Following are some illustrations of the documentary proof which may be relevant for different nature of the complaint:

Copyright infringement: Proof of rights of the aggrieved party and proof of infringement.

Trademark infringement: Trademark registration certificate, proof of infringement.

Untrue or misleading article: proof that the article is untrue or misleading, copy of the true statement and proof of how you or your principal/client is aggrieved by the publication.

Violation of Privacy: proof that the content of the article or the advertisement is private or otherwise violates privacy rights.

What happens if the information provided in the complaint is incomplete or untrue?

Being a law-abiding entity, Gopinath considers and investigates each complaint filed against any content or advertisement published on the Platform. Although Gopinath also conducts an internal investigation if required, its primary source of information while dealing with any grievance is the information provided in the complaint. Based on the information provided in the complaint, Gopinath determines the nature of the complaint, the rights/laws violated by the content/advertisement in question, the parties involved in the matter and other relevant information required for addressing the issue raised in the compliant.

How can Gopinath help in addressing the grievance?

Being a mere technology provider and an intermediary under Information Technology Act, 2000, Gopinath is obligated to take down the content or advertisement from the Platform, if 1) it receives a complaint, along with all the necessary documents, prima facie and clearly establishing that the content or advertisement on the Platform is violating the rights of any third party or 2) it receives an order directing takedown from the appropriate authority under law.

In accordance with the law, Gopinath may also provide you with details of the publisher of the content which might help you communicate with the publisher directly and settle your grievance.

Gopinath's process of investigating and addressing the complaints against any article or advertisement is in accordance with Information Technology Act, 2000, Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines) Rules, 2011 and all other laws in force in India. Nothing under any law imposes an obligation on Gopinath to investigate the matter beyond what is provided in the complaint and any investigation conducted or action taken by Gopinath, is at its sole discretion, and Gopinath is not required to communicate the same to you or to any other party.

Is Gopinath responsible for publication of content or advertisement on its Platform?

No, Gopinath is merely an intermediary, which provides a platform to various third-party content providers for publication of their content to end users, including you. Gopinath is not at all involved in authoring or publishing any content or advertisement on the Platform.

According to Section 79 of Information Technology Act, 2000, Gopinath is not responsible for any content or any part thereof published on the Platform. Gopinath's liability toward any content published on the Platform is limited to taking down the content from the Platform if 1) it receives a complaint, along with all the necessary proof, prima facie and clearly establishing that the content is violating rights of third party or 2) it receives an order of takedown from the appropriate authority under law.

As Gopinath is not involved in authoring or publishing any content on the Platform, it is not obligated to pay any damages or costs to any aggrieved party for any content or part thereof violating their rights. Being an intermediary, Gopinath is not subject to any civil suit for violation of any rights by any content or part thereof infringing rights of any third party.